Realtime values allow you to add configurable, dynamic, and extendable values to your request in the Request pane.

Using a realtime value

In any supported field just type {, and the variable selector will show. If you continue to type, it will filter the available realtime values by fuzzy matching your search query. Either click or press to insert the realtime value. It will instantly appear in the request preview and in any executed requests.

Searching for a realtime value in Beak’s request pane.

Searching for a realtime value in Beak’s request pane.

Editing a realtime value

Realtime values can opt into have an editable mode, where you can configure the realtime value instance which will change the output value. Once you’ve made the changes just tap “Save” and the value will be immediately updated.

Screenshot 2022-08-17 at 18.25.41.png

Realtime value extensions

If there is a realtime value that Beak doesn’t have, or is just specific to your workflow, you can use the Beak Extensions API to create your own. You can make standard or editable realtime values to fit your needs perfectly.

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