All Beak projects have encryption enabled by default. When a project is created, an AES private key is stored in your devices native credential store (KeyChain on macOS, and Credential Vault on Windows).

Project encryption is exclusively used by the built in Variables called Secure. Any value created will use the AES key to encrypt, as well as create a custom IV which is generated every time a change is made to the value. If you don’t have the encryption key, then the value will simple be omitted when being requested.

As the key is stored in your device’s credential store, it won’t be shared by mistake when sending the project between your team or the interview via Source control & versioning. If you need to share the encryption key, you need to retrieve it from Beak yourself, and send it to the recipient using a secure platform. We recommend KeyBase as a secure end-to-end messaging platform, or using some sort of password manager like 1Password.

Getting your project encryption key

When you’ve opened the project in Beak, clicking the 🔒 icon in the header will open the dialog which allows you to copy the encryption key to your clipboard. Note: we never expose the key publicly in plain text, you need to copy to your clipboard.

You can also open this dialog by going to File → View project encryption.

Beak showing the project encryption dialog.

Beak showing the project encryption dialog.

Entering a project encryption key

Once you’ve been given the encryption key for the Beak project, you can click the same 🔒 icon, which will open a dialog you can use to paste in the encryption key.

Again, you can also open this dialog by going to File → View project encryption.

After you have pasted the key in, encrypted values will begin to work as expected.

Beak showing the project encryption acceptance dialog.

Beak showing the project encryption acceptance dialog.

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